Shipping & returns

Shipping and Delivery

After completing the entire purchase process, the delivery of the product (s) depends on their availability.
Orders placed on weekends or national holidays will be processed the next business day.
Orders registered with the option of delivery by carrier will be shipped from Monday to Friday.
Orders registered by carrier will be delivered within the timeframe referred to in the chosen option. After shipping, you will receive an email with its guide number so that you can follow the route directly on the carrier's website. (available from 21h on the day of dispatch).
All orders shipped by carrier will be accompanied by their invoice, placed on the outside of the package, in a plastic bag for proper effect.

Choosing a “door-to-door” shipping method assumes that the Customer is at the designated destination by 7 pm on the day of delivery. If no one is present to receive the order, it will be stored at the regional carrier's warehouse at the end of the day. The customer, duly identified, must then pick up the order directly on site within 5 working days. If the customer does not claim the order within the indicated timeframe, it will be returned to the sender and the shipping costs will be charged again for re-delivery. For convenience, customers in mainland Portugal can order delivery to a pick-up point of their choice by choosing the PickUP shuttle service.

XL Store reserves the right not to make any other sales to customers whose outstanding orders have yet to be claimed until the amount of the outstanding postage has been settled.
In the delivery procedure, the customer will not be able to open the packages without his signature on the waybill in which he received them, however, should check the volume (s) and prove the good exterior condition of the package.
In the event of any visible external damage to the goods, the customer should refuse to receive the volume (s) and contact XL Store directly through one of the available contact means.
If it is not possible to confirm the condition of the goods upon delivery, the customer must sign the waybill indicating "pending verification".

The deadline to file a claim for shipping damage will be 48 hours from the date of delivery. After this period of time, XL Store is not responsible for any damage / defect that may have occurred in shipping.
Possible damage / theft inherent to the transportation of the equipment will be the responsibility of the carrier, covered by an insurance of a maximum of 250.00 €.
The lack of indication on the waybill about possible external damages cannot be claimed, thus being the responsibility of the customer.

If the addressee is a minor, the object (s) may only be collected by one of his / her representatives / parents, upon presentation of the respective identification, as well as that of the recipient (citizen card / ID card). both). If the representative is not one of his parents, the minor's representative must also present a document / judgment that gives him the responsibility for the minor.