Privacy notice

Privacy Policy and Data Protection

XL Store respects the privacy of all users of its website and has implemented the necessary and sufficient measures to protect their personal data, during its transmission and the storage and processing period.

Some sections and / or features of this website may be navigated without the disclosure of any personal information by the user.
However, when the collection of personal information is required to provide services or when each user decides to provide some of their personal data, the use of that information and data will be made in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation - to be ensured. the confidentiality and security of the personal data provided.

The entity responsible for collecting and processing personal data is the PontoPR company.

Personal data provided by users will be subject to computer processing and will be contained in the Company's database (s).

Personal data may be requested when:
• Create an account;
• Register an order;
• Request a quote;
• Fill out the newsletter form;
• Request technical support.

In each of these situations, we may ask for your name, email address, phone number, residence, business type, customer preference information, customer number, and tax ID.

Additional personal data required to register or register for services and offers may be required.
The data collected will not be disclosed to third parties, but may be sent to subcontractors by XL Store., For their own account and under their responsibility and supervision, to perform the following data processing operations:

• Processing of Newsletters sent through a subcontractor and complying with the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD) and numerous other international standards for security, privacy and consent of personal data.
• Shipment of orders by carrier

If you wish, you may request to delete all your personal data stored in our database, or to delete your registration on the XL Store website at any time.
You may also choose not to receive any promotional messages via email. You are granted the right to control the deletion of personal data without undue delay.

You can order by letter to our address (Cais do Lugan 224 2º dto.) And or by e-mail. In the case of newsletters, you may exercise this right in the XL Store client area.