Conditions of use

XL Store Terms and Conditions


General conditions

This document sets out the general conditions of sale and the general conditions for online use of the website, and all subdomains / sub-websites. The domain is the property of PontoPR lda, a private limited company, headquartered in Cais do Lugan 224 2nd dto. 4400-492 Vila Nova de Gaia, Taxpayer No. 504794108, which is also his registration number at CRC de Vila Nova de Gaia.
PontoPR Lda reserves the right to modify these general terms and conditions of use freely and at any time to adapt them to applicable law, without notice.
Browsing the website, its subdomains and sub-websites, as well as the purchase of any product at those addresses, requires the acceptance of these general conditions of sale and the general conditions of use contained on the page.
Online sales are only valid and applicable to the territories of mainland Portugal, the Azores and Madeira.
The fact that the customer has not received these general conditions of sale in his or her native language does not preclude their application.

Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 13:00 and from 14:30 to 18:00. Closed on Weekend and Holidays.

Amendment of these conditions

XL Store reserves the right to unilaterally and at any time, without prior notice, modify the presentation and content of the website, its services and the General Conditions of Use. These modifications will serve to improve the website while improving the services offered to the website user.

Articles and Prices

XL Store takes into account information on the essential characteristics of articles through technical descriptions shared by its suppliers and photographs illustrating the articles marketed, in strict compliance with the best market standards.
The retail prices shown at and their subdomains are in euros. By default, all items have the price with VAT included even if you can choose to see prices without VAT.
If applicable, the values ​​of Ecovalor + EcoREEE, as provided for in DL No.62 / 2001 and DL No. 230/2004 respectively and the private copy offset provided by Law No.62 / 98, as amended by Law No.49 / 2015, are included in advertised price.
Shipping costs are borne by the user and buyer, and add to the total value of the items selected. You will be informed of these charges before confirming your order and completing the purchase process.
XL Store reserves the right to change prices at any time, however it undertakes to apply the rates and prices indicated when placing the order.

XL Store is not responsible, directly or indirectly, for any information, content, statements or expressions contained in the texts of articles marketed on Authoring the content of the product descriptions is the responsibility of the publishers, manufacturers and distributors of the articles in question.
In the event of a computer, manual, technical, or other error that causes a substantial unanticipated change in the selling price not foreseen by XL Store, so that it becomes exorbitant or manifestly derisory, the request order will be considered invalid and void.
The prices and products available at are only valid for purchase orders placed through, coinciding with the prices in the physical store, except for promotions expressly indicated online.


To place an order you need to go to and register as a user by filling out the electronic form following the instructions in each step. After registration, you will be able to purchase your product (s).
If you want the order to be supplied in full, please indicate it, otherwise we will deliver it according to the availability of the articles.
You should also mention if you want to pick up at the physical store the merchandise contained in the order or that it is shipped by carrier.
If you wish to pick up the goods at the physical store, you must do so within 5 working days of ordering, after which XL Store may consider the order to be ineffective.


XL Store through its online store has several payment options.
The goods will only be delivered upon payment by ATM, bank transfer, cash, credit card, PayPal and / or as agreed upon and stated on the invoice.
In payments made by check, the goods will be delivered after good collection.
In case dand customers resident in the archipelagos, orders will be shipped only and upon payment of the item (s) and shipping charges.


If the customer does not pay the price on the due date, XL Store will be entitled to demand default interest until full payment at the annual rate of 17% (seventeen percent), applied on a simple interest basis.
In the event of non-compliance, the Client shall pay XL Store the expenses and charges resulting from the judicial collection of the debt, including the fees due to the Lawyer.
In the absence of designation by the customer, XL Store may impute payments made by the customer to offset the customer's pre-existing debts in accordance with the supplementary rules set out in Article 784 of the Civil Code.
The payment made by the customer that is not enough to cover the amount due will be charged on the successive collection costs and default interest and finally the price due.


XL Store does not guarantee the absence of viruses or similar elements in electronic documents and files stored in your computer system and on its website, and will not be liable for any damage caused and derived from the possible presence of viruses and other similar elements.

Governing Law and Covenant of Jurisdiction

These general marketing conditions and any additional clauses contained in specific supply contracts are governed by Portuguese private law, whether they refer to domestic transactions.

Conflict resolution

Under Law No. 144/2015 of 8 September, and in case of dispute the consumer may resort to an Alternative Dispute Resolution Entity.
PontoPR is a member of the Arbitration Center CICAP - Porto Consumption and Arbitration Information Center, with the following contacts:
Damião de Góis Street, nº 31 Shop 6; 4050-225 Porto; Tel .: + 351 225508349 / +351 225029791; Email:; Web:
More information available at the Consumer Portal:
Other Consumer Conflict Arbitrage Centers:
CNIACC - National Center for Consumer Conflict Information and Arbitration
CIMAAL - Algarve Consumer Information, Mediation and Arbitration Center
CACCDC - Center for Consumer Conflict Arbitration of the District of Coimbra
CACCL - Lisbon Consumer Conflict Arbitration Center
TRIAVE - Vale do Ave Consumer Conflict Arbitration Center / Arbitral Tribunal
CIAB - Center for Consumer Information, Mediation and Arbitration (Arbitral Tribunal de Consumo)
Madeira Consumption Conflict Arbitration Center


In the event that the article has an anomaly / defect, you should contact the XL Store After Sales service via the helpdesk phone line or by email, describing the anomaly / defect the article displays and indicating its number. of the invoice. Our After Sales Service will checkagainst destruction, loss, theft, etc…